Instructions for authors

Note to authors

August 4, 2013

You have attended the 4th international congress on ATD that took place in Toulouse from April 21 to April 26, 2013. Time has now come to make accessible to a broader audience the works that have made the substance of this congress. We are thus undertaking the process that will lead to the publication of the congress proceedings. These proceedings will include the large majority of the communications given during the congress. To this end, we ask you to propose a final version of your text before November 15, 2013. Please check once more that it respects the instructions to the authors:

Your document has to be a Word file: please use the following Stylesheet.dotx (a Word style sheet that wil change into a Word document as soon as you open it; if you have an old version of Word -before 2007- please use the following and follow the Instructions for authors.pdf (this document is also available in Word format Instructions for authors.docx).

The text as a whole, including the first page, footnotes and references, must be limited to at most 8000 words for oral communications and 5000 words for posters.

The final version of your text must be sent by email, at the following address:, in a Word file that will be named according to the following format, where “$” stands for the axis number and “NAME” stands for the first author’s name (without accents, tilde, etc.):

  • for a conference: $C_NAME (example: 1C_WINSLOW);
  • for a reaction: $R_NAME (example: 2R_BRONNER);
  • for a communication (oral or poster, without distinction): $_NAME (examples: 3_FARRAS; 4_CRUMIERE).

For this 4th edition of the Congress and of its proceedings, we have decided to usher an important innovation that appears to be immediately possible among all the innovations the scientific community of didactitians seems to need badly. Upon publication of the proceedings of the 4th Congress, an analysis and evaluation report of the Congress’ achievements will be put online and thus released by the publishing committee. This report will concisely present the positive aspects as well as aspects still considered insufficient of the research given rise to by the Congress. In addition, the authors of the few papers not integrated in the proceedings may request on this occasion to see their papers published as an annexe to this report, accompanied by a short critical apparatus of the publishing committee; the involved authors retain the possibility to publish their texts later in another medium of publication. The proceedings, the analysis and evaluation report and its annexes will be completed by the opening of a forum moderated by the editorial board to pursue in a different way the scientific debate and thus provide more effective guidelines to all researchers wishing to do research in the framework of the ATD.

The editorial board of the 4th intenational congress on ATD.



The reviewers’ comments are now available. Please take them into account for the text you will be writing of your presentation (oral or poster), to be send no later than March 31, 2013, in order to be included in the (electronic) pre-proceedings of the congress. We remind you that for posters, in addition to the provisionally definitive version of their communication, and for the same date, authors will have to send a PDF file of their poster.

Posters can be displayed in portrait or landscape position. Posters will be printed by the organising committee, with colours and in format A0: 841 mm × 1189 mm. You will find some advice for the realisation of posters in the following document Citad4_Poster-en.

We ask you to send your file, or files in the case of a poster, by email at: Please save them in PDF format and name them as follows:

  • For the text (oral presentation or poster): $NAME, where $ is the number of the axis (examples: 1DUPONT, 2BERGE, 3BUIS and 4ZONCAS).
  • For the poster: A$NAME, where $ is the number of the axis (examples: A1DUPONT, A2BERGE, A3BUIS and A4ZONCAS).

Please note that oral communications must not be longer than 20 minutes and based on two slide shows, one of which must be in English.

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